Nov. 1, 2023

Voice Tech Podcast

Voice Tech Podcast

Voice Tech Podcast was described as a series of conversations with voice technology experts. Carl Robinson, the show’s creator, launched the show in April 2018, 86 episodes were published in total, before it was left to perish, after just over two years.

Key lessons from this service:

  1. Manage expectations. It’s unlikely you’ll be an overnight sensation. Life will get in the way. Especially in a world with so many distractions. But if you draw attention to the commitment, pace yourself and manage your expectations from the start you’re much less likely to get disenfranchised and burnout. Undoubtedly, you’ll draw both personal and professional benefits along the way but it may require patience and persistence.
  2. Time manage. Making content is time consuming and challenging. There’s plenty of talented creators out there but very few were able to manage their time effectively to meet their own demands. That’s why outlining a structured, realistic plan is so important. Dedicate time in your week for making content. And constantly review and optimise your processes.
  3. Evolve. Carl made the right move in making content for a niche at the start. But in order to grow, you eventually have to reach out to neighbouring audiences and expand your reach. Like Darwin taught us, if you want to survive you need to evolve. It’s the same for content. Otherwise it’s really difficult to grow.